Grow At Home
5 More ways - Extend your growing season
Here are 5 more gardening tips to help you extend the growing season in your vegetable garden. So, if the weather has left you feeling like you have had a...
How to Grow Apples from Seed
Can I grow an Apple from seed? Ever eaten an apple and wondered how to grow an apple tree? Or pondered whether you could plant the pips and grow your own...
A guide to Growing bok choy or pak choi in containers
The standard Pak Choi (sometimes known as Bok Choy) is juicy, crisp, and fast maturing. It has a good, strong flavour, good resistance to bolting and fast growth and is...
A Guide to When to Plant Winter Salads
Many people are surprised to know that you can grow salad in winter very successfully without needing too much space or even a greenhouse. A sheltered spot and a little...
What Garden Tools Do I Need to Start a Vegetable Garden?
Here are the basic garden tools that you need to start your own vegetable garden. We have taken 5 of the most popular vegetables grown in UK gardens and outlined...
How to Grow Beetroot - from sowing seeds to harvesting
Growing Beetroot Beetroot are easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. Most people think of it as a pickled salad vegetable. The young leaves can be...
Step by step: How to grow carrots in planters
One of the easiest ways to grow carrots successfully and easily is by sowing seeds directly into Carrot Planters - they're ideal for growing in small spaces such as patios, balconies and terraces!
The best way to Grow Spring Cabbages at home
What is Spring Cabbage? Spring Cabbage is a is delicious and tender variety of cabbage that you plant in summer and eat the following Spring. They are smaller and sweeter...
5 Tomato Growing Issues to Look Out For in a Wet Summer
Growing tomatoes can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the garden, but a wet summer can play havoc with a successful tomato crop. Discover the problems you could...
Sustainable watering: How to Conserve Water in the Vegetable Garden
Here is your road map to dealing with a hose pipe ban. Discover how to water your vegetable garden in a sustainable way. To conserve water but still grow amazing...
How to Grow Green Manure For Better Soil
Gren manure are crops that you sow in order to enrich the soil and prevent soil erosion. So, they grow and then rather than harvesting, you dig them back into the...
The 'How and Why' of Attracting more bees to our Vegetable Gardens
Bees are essential pollinators, responsible for about one-third of the food we eat. Unfortunately, bee populations are declining due to habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. Discover how and why...