Grow At Home
November Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in November
Winter gardening is more about prep for very early spring crops. Sowing in November will take the pressure off in spring. Getting as much planted as you can in November,...
Pest and Diseases : all you need to know about Leek Moth
What is Leek Moth? Originally a problem restricted to growers in the south of the UK, Leek Moth has spread its wings (literally!) and is now a potential issue wherever...
How to grow superb Shallots from sets
Shallots are a member of the onion family. Divine in stews where they enrich the whole dish as they melt into oozy gorgeousness. They can also be pickled if you...
The best way to grow Chives plants in Containers or the Ground
Chives Chives are a low maintenance perennial herb. The botanical name, Allium schoenoprasum, derives from the Greek meaning reed-like leek - a very accurate description as they are a member...
How to Grow Garlic
The first decicion to make is whether to plant hardneck garlic or softneck garlic. Read on to discover the difference and our tips and tricks for planting both types of...
How to Grow Leeks from seeds - in the UK
What are they? Leeks, which are famous as the Welsh national emblem, are related to the onion but easier to grow. They are a must for vegetable growing as their...
Growing Leeks - The Haxnicks Way
Growing Leeks The leek is an unique vegetable which belongs to the allium family and is also a relative of the onion. Growing leeks is often overlooked when planting as...