Grow At Home
Birdscare the chemical free way to keep birds off your fruit crops
What is Birdscare? It is a chemical free way to deter birds from stealing your fruit & veg crops. This highly innovative product has been used by commercial herb growers...
Pippa Greenwood Gardening advice for July
Welcome to my gardening advice for July. We are going to start with some good news. Warmer, drier weather will mean some good growing conditions but unfortunately (now the bad news)...
Pest and Diseases : all you need to know about Leek Moth
What is Leek Moth? Originally a problem restricted to growers in the south of the UK, Leek Moth has spread its wings (literally!) and is now a potential issue wherever...
Garden Pests & Diseases: Garden Slugs and snails
Slugs & Snails: what are we dealing with? Snails There are around 120 species of snail in the UK. These range from 1mm Dot snails (punctum pygmaeum) to the Roman...
The Non Return of the Easter Bunny!
Growing veg in pots and planters means that juicy crops may be harder to reach for the rabbits, but those of you with a ground level vegetable patch have a...
4 easy ways to make your vegetable garden flourish during a wet summer
Here in the UK we love our unpredictable weather and a wet summer is part of that. But here is some inspiration for when your plants aren't loving the lower...
Growing Brassicas From Seeds
Growing brassicasCabbages, kale, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel Sprouts are all varieties of the same species of Brassica oleracea which is native to the Mediterranean. Brassicas thrive on transplanting and...
Haxnicks Raised Bed Growing System - The Complete Growing Solution for Small Spaces!
Haxnicks, the plant protection specialist, has developed an easy-to-build Raised Bed Growing System that requires little maintenance and is ideal for growing vegetables, salads and herbs in small garden spaces....