What are Victorian Bell Cloches:
Victorian Bell Cloches are plastic cloches that cover individual plants and protect them from frost, heavy rain, harsh winds and pests.
The cloches have adjustable air vents which offer temperature and humidity control so the plants don't overheat. Remove the Victorian Cloches quickly and easily on warm days if required.
What crop are they for:
They are suitable for any plant that needs protection. The Small is ideal for young plants & alpines and establishing early salad crops. The Medium is good for newly planted herbs and vegetables. And the Large is good for larger plants and overwintering tender plants.
Where can I use them:
They can be used anywhere in the garden. If your garden in particularly exposed then the pegging holes mean that the cloche can be secured over the plants keeping pests, birds and animals at bay.
They are great for warming the soil and starting off veg such as courgettes and squashes. You can get up to 6 weeks extra growing season by covering the soil before you plant to bring the soil temperature up. Then pop the cloche over the young plant and it will be kept warm and protected while it gets established.
What's so special about it?
The science of the cloche has been in place since Roman times. The curved shape of the bell means that the surface of the cloche stays at 90° to the direction of the sun all day long, achieving minimum reflection and maximum penetration of light. This has a dramatic effect on the plants as it creates the optimum growing environment.
The material they are made from is A-Pet rather than PVC making them stronger and more durable. Importantly the manufacturing of Bell Cloches made from A-Pet is far less damaging to the health of factory workers and the environment.
Find out more:
See it in action: To see it in action head over to our YouTube channel Victorian Bell Cloche
Related Blogs: Read about it in use Grow at Home: Florence or Sweet Fennel or Grow at Home: Spring Onions
Buy it Now: See the full range here Victorian Bell Cloches