What is the Steel Pea & Bean Frame?

Haxnicks Steel Pea Bean frame for all climbing plants ans grwoign vegetables

The Steel Pea & Bean Frame is a sturdy and versatile climbing vegetable support.  It combines steel poles with a 10cm2 polypropylene netting to give plants a net structure to climb up.  

It also takes away the need to battle with making bamboo canes into teepees and the fiddly job of securing the bean plants to them! 

Once the plants are established it can also provide a screen to hide an unsightly fence or compost heap.  It can also add to the garden design by sectioning the garden into different rooms.  

What crop is it for?

Any plant that climbs! As well as peas and all sorts of climbing beans it is also ideal for sweet peas and other climbing annuals like passion flowers, clematis and honeysuckle.  

What's so special about it?

It is strong so will support heavy crops of beans and peas.  

It is very simple to put together and take down after if you want to store it away for the winter.  The steel framework can be quickly put together using the ‘push fit’ joints to join the pre-cut black steel lengths.

Then all you need to do is clip 10cm² polypropylene netting to the frame.  Secure the base of the frame to the ground with the galvanised steel ground pegs. 

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