Its a while since I have written. I have been too busy enjoying the weather and the garden but thought I would just share this amazing late season recipe with you. In case you, like me, have still got lots and lots of rhubarb in your garden and a family who have almost had enough of it for one year. The recipe is for a jam. Its a great alternative to your traditional strawberry jam. The ginger just adds a certain extra something to the mix. Taking away a little of the sweetness and complementing rhubarb's sourness. 

Rhubarb & Ginger Jam


The recipe from Plot to Pot...

Make this recipe with late season rhubarb (mid to late July) which is bigger for best results. Mature stalks are perfect for jam making. The resulting jam is delicious and works well on hot buttered toast. Mix with a little yoghurt or cream and drizzled over ice cream for another yummy way to use. Downloadable pdf for you to print your own Rhubarb-and-ginger-jam

Fun Facts!

Around 1 pound of fresh fruit yields about 3 cups chopped or 2 cups cooked. Top tip is you are trying to work out how many jars you will need. It was used as a medicine/healing ointment in earlier centuries. A native plant of China, it was grown and traded for medicinal purposes as early as the 16th century. The redder the stalk, the sweeter the flavor. All rhubarb is quite bitter in taste and therefore a great substitute for cranberries, and a good match with a sweeter fruit like strawberries. so mixing and matching can give great results. The leaves attached to the Rhubarb stalk are poisonous. (You knew that one though - didn't you?) For another great tip for rhubarb check out this blog Sweet Cicely and Rhubarb

Sarah Talbot