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Grow At Home

Tagged: Plant Protection

  • Potty gardener and how to protect plants from rabbits

    The Potty Gardener & Easter Bunnies

    For me, growing in pots and planters makes it less tempting and trickier for rabbits to nibble at any new plantings and soft growth, but for those of you growing in rows it may be a different story. Those early bean and pea shoots that may be popping up soon are at particular risk of becoming a bunny salad. So unless you have a rabbit proof fence surrounding your veg plot then some Bell Cloches or an Easy Tunnel pegged over the plants should keep the naughty nibblers at bay and keep the plants cosy and moist too.

  • Haxnicks- 4 easy ways to grow during wet summer- Victorian Bell cloche

    4 easy ways to make your vegetable garden flourish during a wet summer

    Here in the UK we love our unpredictable weather and a wet summer is part of that. But here is some inspiration for when your plants aren't loving the lower than normal temperatures and lack of sunlight, and the slugs are enjoying your vegetable garden more than you are!  Find out what plant protection you can put in place to restore the balance. 

  • haxnicks- get the cloches out-october gardening- easy tunnel

    Madeleine's Corner: Get the Cloches Out!

    October - time to get your cloches out! October is a mix of protection (cloches, tunnel...