Garden jobs are on my mind. March is supposed to be spring. ‘In like a lion, out like a lamb’ is one of the sayings about this particular month. Literally meaning that often the beginning of March feels like mid-winter but then it all warms up and becomes very spring like by the end of the month. I'm not sure this will relate to March 2018 because as far as I can see we have only had a couple of nice days and three sessions of the Beasts from the East! 


On the sunny days that we did have I think that anybody who has a garden simply had to get outside. Also if we don’t plant our seeds now we won’t have any plants to plant out in May. this extended cold spell is set to disrupt the whole season. So what to plant now then? Here is my personal list to start you off.

Seeds to sow now indoors: Aubergines, Brussels sprouts, celery, courgettes, cucumbers, fennel, kale, lettuces, melons, nasturtiums, marigolds, peas, rocket and spring onions.


Seeds and plants to sow now directly outside: (if the ground is not too sodden) Onions (sets), parsnips, potatoes, spinach, rhubarb (crowns) and strawberry (plants). All these will have an even better chance if you cover them with either fleece or Easy Seedling Tunnel . These will keep them warm and give them the chance to catch up. I used these wonderful seedling tunnels in my greenhouse, later on when the seedlings are large enough I plan to transplant them outside. 


I think that we are all longing for April and better weather so we can get the garden jobs moving. We have had glimpses and I am starting to be optimistic! 

Sarah Talbot