What are Deep Rootrainers :

Maxi Rootrainers with tree saplings growing.

Rootrainers are innovative planting cells and Maxi Rootrainers are the king of all Rootrainers. They are perfect for growing trees from seeds or cuttings. So, either plant your tree or, if you have a favourite tree that you want to preserve then you can take a cutting and give it the best start. The young trees can be left in them for 2 to 3 years to fully establish a good set of deep roots. This will help them to establish and give them the best chance of survival. There are 40 cells which come in openable 'books' so that the saplings can be planted on without disturbing the roots. The cells fit snuggly into a tray.

What crop are they for:


Maxi Rootrainers are perfect for broad leaved trees that have deep roots. They are especially good if the tree is to be planted in a tough, dry or windy location. They are also popular amongst those wanting to grow extremely large veg to thrash their neighbours at the village show! Rapid Rootrainers and Compact Rapid Rootrainers are also available for bedding plants, salads and herbs. And Deep Rootrainers are most commonly used for growing deep rooted veg such as peas, beans and sweetcorn.

What's so special about them?


What's really special in terms of trees is that you can leave them in the Rootrainers for a long time and they will never become pot bound. So if you aren't ready to plant the tree this season then carry on watering and feeding and the sapling will be perfectly healthy. Strong straight roots are a fundamental requirement of healthy and successful growth. The rectangular shape provides a greater surface area and the grooves allow more roots to develop on the outside of the plug. Plants are also easily extracted from the ‘open books’ without root disturbance providing the perfect plug plants. Rootrainers are well known and well loved by horticulturalists, commercial growers and all the best gardeners.

Find out more:

See it in action: To see it in action head over to our YouTube channel Rootrainers

Related Blogs: Read about it in use Rootrainers What size cell to use

Buy it Now: See the full range here Rootrianers

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