Haxnicks Potato Patio Planters

Are winter crops your thing? Hopefully, you are all enjoying your own home-grown potatoes from your Spring planting by now, and doesn't the taste make it all worthwhile?

But it ain't over til the fat lady sings (at Christmas) - Once you've emptied your Potato Patio Planters, keep them in mind, as you can very easily have another batch of fresh home-grown spuds ready for the Christmas table!

All you have to do is replant from mid-August to early September. Seed potatoes will be available from most garden centres and mail-order companies .

Alternatively, you could just keep back a few spuds from your summer crop and use them as your seed potatoes! Add a little straw/old leaves to the bottom of your planter - as this rots it will help to provide some warmth, protecting your winter potatoes from the cold. Then plant as normal.

Potato foliage cannot handle the frost, so ideally bring your planters inside as the cold comes on - a greenhouse, barn, or the kitchen will do, as long as there is some light. As normal, don't soak your potatoes, but ensure the soil remains moist. (Sorry to all those of you who dislike the word 'moist', but it does the job!)
It will also help to cover your plants with fleece to warm them - there are various fleece jackets available, which pop over the plant very easily.  Hope you're enjoying your harvests, long may they last! Love to grow!
Sarah Talbot