What are Microgreens?


Microgreens are tiny, edible, immature veg plants. They are ready - from seed to plate - in just a few weeks so are satisfyingly quick to grow. They need very little space or equipment so are great for beginners or urban gardeners. You can eat both the leaves and stems and harvest them simply with scissors or snips as and when you need them. As an extra plus side they are packed with a higher percentage of nutrients than their more mature versions. Do not confuse them with sprouts which are generally grown in a jar and are germinated seeds that are eaten root, seed and shoot. So if you are looking for freshness and want to to make your home cooking a little more "fine dining" without breaking the bank then try microgreens. They can be used in many dishes and will add flavour, colour and texture to even a simple sandwich.

Which seeds to choose?

Most of the veg you would normally grow in the garden such as beetroot, broccoli, chard, cauliflower, cabbage, salad greens, herbs etc can be grown as microgreens. You can buy specific microgreen seeds which are sold in most garden centres. This is a good place for beginners to start as they are specifically designed for easy, successful growing and often contain a colour coordinated mix which will look good too. If you have seeds that weren't sown last year though - or know someone who does - it is worth giving these a go as microgreens too. Microgreens are usually grown inside. They can be grown outside in warmer months too though. As you will have to do more pest protection plus remember to water them it is probably easier to keep them on the windowsill where they will get your attention though. 

Sowing Microgreens

Take a shallow container or seed tray - the Haxnicks Bamboo Seed tray is ideal. Next take a Haxnicks Microgreens Mat and place it into the tray. The Microgreens mat is a made of natural materials making the whole set up plastic free. If you want to use a different seed tray or a container like the plastic container your grapes came in or an old take-away container, then just poke some holes in the bottom to make sure there is drainage and cut the mat to fit.

  • Check the seed packet for any special instructions. Sprinkle the seeds evenly onto the mat
  • Water lightly - or mist if you have a suitable sprayer.
  • Place it on a warm, sunny (ideally south facing) windowsill in direct sunlight. If the weather is not too warm then you may wish to cover with a piece of glass or clear plastic to encourage germination.
  • Mist or water the mat once or twice a day- depending on the temperature - to keep it moist not wet. Sprouts should appear within around four to seven days. Continue to water once or twice daily.
  • Once the seeds have sprouted, remove the cover (if you used one.) Continue to mist once or twice a day.



They should be ready in around two to three weeks. Harvesting is simply a case of taking scissors and snipping off a few. Cut just above the mat as and when you need them. This is where the Microgreens mat really comes into its own. The microgreens need to be washed but as they have not been in soil this process is much easier than it would if they had been grown in compost, Simply wash them as you would salad and pat dry on paper towels. Use in sandwiches or to scatter over salads, soups and other dishes to give an extra punch of flavour. You can pick what you need and leave the rest to continue growing. However, if you feel the microgreens are getting a little large then you can cut them. Store them unwashed in a plastic bag in your refrigerator. Then just remove, wash and use as required. 

Pest and Diseases

As you are growing inside pests are much less likely but light may be an issue early in the year. Like any plant, Microgreens need direct sunlight to thrive. Around four to five hours a day should be enough. However, watch out for spindly, pale growth which might indicate insufficient light. If you find they aren't getting enough then either use a grow light or wait until a little later in the year to try again when days are longer and can meet the plants' light needs

Sarah Talbot


Hi Julie, it depends where you use them. If you want it to be on a kitchen windowsill then you will not want holes in the bottom, you just need to water carefully so they aren’t flooded. But if it is out in the greenhouse then you can punch the holes out.
If you are using our bamboo seed trays then the holes punch out really easily with the end of a trowel or a screwdriver. No need to drill.

— Haxnicks

If I’m using the bamboo tray for these mats, should I be drilling holes in them first?

— Julie

Hi Priscilla, they could be reused but you have to be careful of bacteria growth so we recommend only using them for one crop and then composting them.

— Haxnicks

How often do you replace the mat?

— Priscilla Gunther