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Grow At Home

Tagged: Spring Planting

  • April Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner

    April Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner

    It may seem like a lifetime away and with summer approaching, the last thing you want to think about, but now is the time to start sowing seeds of certain vegetables if you want to grow your own Christmas dinner. Whilst it may seem like a bit of a far-fetched idea, if you have the time, space and dedication then why not? A homegrown Christmas dinner will not only have the extra special touch, it will give you a huge sense of achievement and the vegetables will be super delicious!

  • Pippa Greenwood: What to Sow in April in your garden

    Pippa Greenwood: What to Sow in April in your garden

    Renowned gardening expert Pippa Greenwood shares what she is up to in the garden and planting in April and May.

  • Haxnicks gardening advice how to grow tomatoes the best way

    How to Grow Every type of Tomato - from Cherry Tomatoes to Beef Tomatoes

    Growing Tomatoes Tomatoes are an easy and rewarding crop to grow. Quite often they a...

  • 2 whole watermelons and a cut one Haxncisk gardening advice on how to grow Watermelons in the UK

    Grow at Home: how to grow watermelons from seed

    When to Plant Watermelons

    For growing watermelons in the UK, to get the temperatures needed for germination the best time to plant watermelon seeds is late May.  However, if you wait until late May to start them you will risk them not having enough time to ripen.  So it’s a balance. 

  • Haxnicks gardening advice how to grow peas the best way

    Fresh Peas how to grow, care for and harvest

    How to grow peas at home, Right from sowing to harvesting including how to support your growing pea crop.

  • Haxnicks gardening tips growing veg seed germination

    Tips and Tricks: Seed Germination the basics

    Gardening tips and tricks: seed growing. Want improve your seed germination success rate? Learn about the Germination Triangle and how to balance it to get a higher germination rate when planting seeds for your vegetable garden or flower borders.